Home Insurance Changes You Need to Make

Home insurance is something that all home owners need and that many are required to hold in order to satisfy the requirements of their mortgage company. For those that do have home insurance, there are some changes that should be made to their policies yearly to help make sure you are getting the best coverage possible. For those in the West Hartford, CT area, the agents with ALLConnecticut Insurance can help you to find the right policy for you.

The first change that you should be making to your home policy is to update the value of the contents of your home. If you have many contents of you have bought a large number of expensive things, you may want to change the amount of the coverage that you have on your home. This is going to help cover the overall cost of replacing items within your home in the case that they are all destroyed.

Another coverage that should be adjusted is the value of the home itself. If you have done work on your home, have upgraded your home, or if your home has become devalued, it is important to take the time to adjust coverage accordingly so that you get the most accurate coverage possible. Keeping accurate and up to date coverage on your home can mean the difference between a successful recovery should you have severe damage to your home and an unsuccessful one.

You can speak with an agent about how to adjust coverage as needed to help make sure that your home is always fully covered and that you do not need to add more coverage or remove coverage. The coverage on your home is one of the most important things you can keep accurate and it can mean a great deal of difference. For those in the West Hartford, CT area, the agents with ALLConnecticut Insurance can help you find the perfect coverage every time.


What Happens If You Hit an Uninsured Driver?

By law, you are required to have auto insurance. Unfortunately, not every driver on the road carries the insurance they are required to have. One of the questions that people ask us at AllConnecticut Insurance is what happens if you hit an uninsured driver in West Hartford, CT. Read on to learn what happens. 

A Police Report Should Be Filed

When you are involved in an accident with a driver who does not have auto insurance, you should always contact the police and have them write a report. It is important to do this regardless of whether you were at fault, they were at fault or it is unknown who is at fault. It is illegal to drive without auto insurance and the authorities should be notified so they can issue the other party a ticket and impound their vehicle. 

Obtain As Much Information as Possible

When you are hit by an uninsured driver, it is important to obtain as much information about them and their car as you can. This includes their name, their driver’s license number, the type of car they have, their license plate number and their phone number. Your insurance company will need all of this information to process the claim. It is also important to take pictures of both cars, to show exactly what the damage was at the accident scene. 

Submit a Claim to Your Insurance Company

Finally, be sure to submit a claim with your insurance company right away. The uninsured driver has a right to file a claim against your insurance if you were at fault, even though they were driving illegally. You want to file a claim so you can let the insurance company know your side of the story and to get damages to your car repaired as well. 

Having the right auto insurance policy in place can protect you if you hit an uninsured driver or if an uninsured driver hits you. Here at ALLConnecticut Insurance, we are committed to helping West Hartford, CT drivers find the best auto insurance policy for them. Give us a call now to get started.