Three Questions to Ask Your Insurance Agent Before Getting Auto Insurance

When purchasing auto insurance, you must ask your insurance agent many questions. This will help you choose the right auto insurance policy for your needs. At ALLConnecticut Insurance, serving West Hartford, CT, we’re more than happy to answer your questions and guide you to a car insurance policy that fits your budget and meets your goals.

This article will discuss questions you can ask your insurance agent before getting car insurance. Asking these questions can help you make an informed choice.

1. Can You Explain the Different Types of Auto Insurance?

There are several types of auto insurance, including comprehensive coverage, liability only, and full coverage. Understanding the different types of car insurance is important when shopping for the right policy. Ask your insurance agent about these types of car insurance to get the information you need to make an informed choice.

2. If My Car Is Damaged, Will Car Insurance Repair or Replace My Vehicle?

Some types of car insurance will pay to repair or replace your vehicle, while others will not. If you’re considering a specific type of car insurance, it’s essential to know whether your car insurance will pay for damage to your vehicle and, if so, under what circumstances.

3. Will I Have to Pay For Costs Out of Pocket?

Out-of-pocket costs are called deductibles. Insurance policies have varying deductibles, so it’s essential to know how much you’ll be expected to pay in the event of an accident.

If you have questions about car insurance, talk to the professionals at ALLConnecticut Insurance, serving West Hartford, CT. We can help you choose the right car insurance policy for you.

Don’t Overlook the 80% Rule when Insuring Your Home

Homeowners, whether first-time buyers or seasoned property owners, often have questions about their insurance. One of the most common queries is, "How much home insurance do I need?" The answer can sometimes seem elusive. That’s why homeowners in the West Hartford, CT area turn to the trusted and experienced professionals at ALLConnecticut Insurance for all their insurance needs.

The Eighty Percent Rule in Home Insurance

Consider a scenario where you insure your home for half the cost of its complete rebuild value. Imagine a worst-case scenario, such as a house fire, that destroys your home. When it’s time to claim insurance to replace your home, there’s an obvious problem with the math. This is where the 80% rule generally applies in home insurance. Most insurance companies require a home to be insured for a minimum of 80 percent of its replacement costs to provide the necessary funds to rebuild your home. This is one of many reasons why it’s a good idea to work with a proven and trusted agent for all your home insurance needs.

Home Insurance Solutions for West Hartford, CT Area Homeowners

If you’re a homeowner in or around the West Hartford area and have questions or would like to learn more about home insurance solutions, we can help. Contact us to find out more and schedule an appointment with our friendly and knowledgeable team today to discuss the protection your home needs and deserves at ALLConnecticut Insurance.