If your car is missing, the first thing you will want to do is file a police report. Once you have made this report, you will want to notify your insurance company that your car is stolen. However, if you have never been in this situation before, you may wonder why it is so important to notify your insurance company right away. After all, it may seem like a hassle, especially if your car turns up a couple days later. Here are a couple of the reasons why it is important to notify your auto insurance company as soon as possible in regards to a missing car.
You May Be On the Hook for Damages if You Don’t Notify Your Insurance Company
If your car has been stolen, it is important to notify your insurance company right away, or you may be liable for the damage the thief does in your car. Notifying the insurance company won’t prevent the thief from causing damage, but it can help you prove that you didn’t authorize your car to be taken, and thus, you should not be held responsible.
You Start the Process for Recouping Money From Your Stolen Car
The other reason to notify your insurance company right away if your car was stolen is because this starts the clock for recouping money for a stolen car. Most companies have a waiting period that you have to wait out until they will pay for a stolen car. Unfortunately, this period may start from the time you notify the insurance company, not the time that the car was stolen. As such, it’s important to notify your company right away to start this clock.
If you have questions about auto insurance and stolen cars, or want to make sure you are fully covered in case your car is stolen in the greater West Hartford, CT area, contact AllConnecticut Insurance.